Product design is the art of creating, developing and innovating a new product for its customers for business . In a simple concept, it is required to produce any product which is the safe and economic in every aspect and should more reliable than previous product if it get modified. So Product Design is the perfect way to fulfill the customer requirements.
In a step by step approach, product designers conceive and assess ideas, converting these ideas into substantial as well as feasible products. The main role of product design Engineer is to play with the combination of artistic, scientific, and technological aspect to create new product that people can use. In the field of mechanical, product design ,task of developing outstanding and perfect new products is near to impossible, time-consuming, and not economic.But the focus problem is that customer who have never been involved in a development effort are amazed by the amount of time and money that goes into a new product.
Amazing products are not easily designed, but instead they evolve over time through many countless efforts of research and design studies, engineering, analysis and prototyping methods, and finally, feasible test, modifying in every possible aspect, and re-test until the design has been perfected. In traditional method of product design and development was normally done by a team, and the team leader followed the different disciplines, often from both outside and inside the company.Many people are responsible for solving specific problem in the process of product design. In simple person had ability to do specific work in the company.As generally, the amount of a development effort is depended upon the number of people involve and the time taken to nurture the initial concept into a fully-functioning product. It was rarely observed that any product developed in less than one year, and some projects took three to five years to finish. But nowadays many products are developed by a single individual working alone in small interval of time. It is unlikely that one individual will have the necessary skills in marketing, industrial design, mechanical and tool-making. electronic engineering, graphic art,manufacturing processes and materials, packaging design and project management.And all above skills are necessarily required for any individual engineer at present time. Then we can say that the working in the field of product design is the right way for gaining above skills for engineers. Now in the field mechanical product design the process of PRODUCT DESIGN are as follows
>>>>>.............CAD...................................>>>>.............CAM.................................>>> CAE------->>

In the CAD designing or drafting and modelling is done is further proceed to CAE . In the CAE, engineering and analysis of the design is done so make sure that feasibility the developed design and then further proceed to PDM. At last manufacturing is done in the CAM module after PDM.
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