Geometric tolerances-Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) is a system for defining and communicating engineering tolerances. It uses a symbolic language on engineering drawings and computer-generated three-dimensional solid models that explicitly describes nominal geometry and its allowable variation. It tells the manufacturing staff and machines what degree of accuracy and precision is needed on each controlled feature of the part. GD&T is used to define the nominal (theoretically perfect) geometry of parts and assemblies, to define the allowable variation in form and possible size of individual features, and to define the allowable variation between features.
Symbol ModifierNotes
Free state Applies only when part is otherwise restrained
Least material condition (LMC) Useful to maintain minimum wall thickness
Maximum material condition (MMC) Provides bonus tolerance only for a feature of size
Projected tolerance zone Useful on threaded holes for long studs
Regardless of feature size (RFS) Not part of the 1994 version.
Tangent plane Useful for interfaces where form is not required
Unilateral Appears in the 2009 version of the standard, and refers to unequal profile distribution.
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